Luminita Mihaila
(TTP Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
It was shown recently that the original SU(5) gauge theory proposed by Georgi and Glashow,
augmented with an adjoint fermionic multiplet, is compatible both with neutrino masses
and gauge coupling unification. In particular, the latter predicts the existence of light electroweak triplet states with masses at the TeV scale. We are going to report in talk about the correlation between the triplet masses and the unification scale at the NNLO accuracy. Such accurate predictions are needed in order to match the
experimental precision on the determination of the electroweak gauge couplings. Special emphasis will be put on the possibilities to test such a model through the current experiments at the LHC.
Gauge coupling unification; physics beyond the Standard Model; precision calculations; collider phenomenology;
Auteur principal
Luminita Mihaila
(TTP Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Luca Di Luzio
(TTP- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)