Pattern recognition

Salle 100 (LAL)

Salle 100


Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
Kick-Off meeting on pattern recognition
  • Balázs Kégl
  • Djalel Benbouzid
  • Manqi RUAN
  • Naomi van der Kolk
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Trong Hieu TRAN
  • Vincent Boudry
    • 09:00 10:00
      Pions inteaction patterns in the ECAL 1h
      Orateur: Naomi van der Kolk
      Kick-off meeting

      Vincent, Mangi, Hieu, Balazs, Djalel, Roman, Naomi

      To develop and test ideas and concepts on how to improve the shower reconstruction and the separation of two showers in the Ecal and Hcal, using boosted decision trees for pattern recognition dof different shower types, with the end goal of improving Particle Flow Algorithms. 

      Naomi presented the analysis of hadrons in the Ecal prototype (work by Philippe Doublet) which is a starting point for further analysis. We discussed how boosted decision trees could be used in this context. A first step could be to improve the finding of the interaction layer, especially for "pointlike" events.
      Balazs gave an introduction to machine learning and boosted decision trees. 

      The next meeting is planned for 20/11/12 at 9.30 am and will take place at LLR. 
      Mangi and Hieu will present PFA. We will discuss selection criteria for shower categories which could be used in MultiBoost.
    • 10:00 11:00
      Pattern reco in Auger 1h
      Orateur: M. Balázs Kégl (LAL/CNRS)