3–5 avr. 2013
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


The registration fee is 120 euros for the full workshop and covers the coffee breaks, the lunches and the workshop dinner. Accompagning persons are welcome at the social dinner (price = 40 €).

 The payment is made after registration to Indico via the CNRS framework here: http://dr12.azur-colloque.cnrs.fr/

The payment service will open on 25th February 2013.

It requires some further form filling in two steps:
-Preregistration: fill forms with personal data. The pre-registration will be validated by the organisation office and you will receive a confirmation email.
-Final registration and payment: after validation of the forms you will be guided to a payment site (payment with credit card only).

For INFN participants, please mention the cf code : C.F. 84001850589 in INFN the address (when the system asks you 'who is paying the invoice').

If you need further information, please contact the conference office: Angelique Pepe (pepe@cppm.in2p3.fr ; +33 4 91 82 72 03).