14–16 mai 2012
Université Montpellier 2
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Dark stuff (review talk)

15 mai 2012, 09:30
Salle des actes, bât. 7 (UM2)

Salle des actes, bât. 7



Dr Malcolm Fairbairn (King's College London)


I will (extremely) briefly review the evidence for dark matter and then the ongoing efforts to detect it using indirect and direct detection. I will talk about recent developments in indirect detection including a couple of potential signals from Fermi and some recent pessimistic predictions from N-body simulations. I will then review the ongoing search for dark matter via direct detection. I will explain the astrophysical uncertainties in direct detection and estimate their errors. If I have time I will mention the situation in the world of dark energy and some recent work in this area.

Documents de présentation