4–10 mars 2012
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
NEW: instruction for proceedings now online. Deadline for submition : May 15

Strong SO(10)-inspired leptogenesis: predictions and justification.

9 mars 2012, 19:10
YSF (Young Scientists Forum) Theory YSF4


M. Luca Marzola (University of Southampton)


Focusing on the SO(10)-inspired model of leptogenesis, I will show that a class of solutions respects the restrictive strong thermal leptogenesis requirements.  When strong thermal leptogenesis is achieved, pre-existing flavoured B-L asymmetries produced by potential external mechanism are completely washed out during the same leptogenesis. As a consequence the amount of Baryon Asymmetry produced is totally independent of the initial conditions, encoded in the state of the Universe after the inflation era. Therefore, by adopting these solutions, the SO(10)-inspired model of leptogenesis justifies the measured amount of Baryon Asymmetry in our Universe and, at the same time, provides sharp predictions on the low energy neutrino parameters.

Auteur principal

M. Luca Marzola (University of Southampton)

Documents de présentation