18–21 oct. 2011
IPNO, Building 100
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Workshop organised by the participants of the network GDR PH-QCD and supported by the France-Stanford Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies and the ReteQuarkonii EU network


Introductory session to AFTER @ LHC (A Fixed Target ExpeRiment @ LHC) and EIC

20 oct. 2011, 09:30
IPNO, Building 100

IPNO, Building 100

Institut de Physique Nucléaire (IPN) - 15 rue Georges CLEMENCEAU 91406 ORSAY (FRANCE)

Présidents de session

Introductory session to AFTER @ LHC (A Fixed Target ExpeRiment @ LHC) and EIC

  • Frédéric FLEURET (LLR-Ecole polytechnique)
  • Cynthia Hadjidakis (IPN Orsay)
  • Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPNO - Paris Sud 11)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
Dr Faiçal Azaiez (IPN Orsay)
20/10/2011 09:30
Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory -- Stanford University)
20/10/2011 09:45
Dr Frédéric FLEURET (LLR-Ecole polytechnique)
20/10/2011 10:15
Dr Carlos Munoz Camacho
20/10/2011 10:45
Prof. Daniël Boer (University of Groningen)
20/10/2011 11:50
Future fixed target projects at CERN: introductory talks
Andrea Ferrero (CEA/Saclay - SPhN)
20/10/2011 12:20
20/10/2011 12:50
Ordre du jour en construction...