- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
From 12:00 of Thursday, the 15 of September, to 15:30 of Friday, the 16 of September
We are glad to present this short conference, MiniTagp2011, the fourth of a series of conferences TAG06, TAG08 and TAGp2010.
This event aims at bringing in contact people from different domains (physics, mathematics, biology, computer science) concerned with various theoretical and experimental aspects of the genome and of the structure of proteins. MiniTAGp2011 will focus on fundamental interactions in
The TAGp participants cover an extremely large spectrum of skills and expertises. They are interested and ready to listen, discover and share this huge variety of research fields. For the TAGp meeting to be successfull, we ask all the speakers to be particularly careful to the clarity of their presentations.
Confirmed speakers
1) Maria Barbi (Paris) Non-specific DNA-protein interaction: how proteins can diffuse along DNA
2) Frédéric Cazals (Nice) Assessing the stability of protein complexes within large assemblies
3) Michele Caselle (Torino) Quantitative biology
4) Giovanni Feverati (Annecy) Protein interfaces: a networking story
5) Alexander Grossmann (Marseille) Interactive reading of sequences
6) Joël Janin (Paris) Protein-protein interactions: modeling structure and affinity
There are no inscription fees to this conference. However, we need to know the number of participants so please register in the appropriate form not after Monday, the 12 of September 2011. Let us know in advance if you need to cancel your registration.
The Tuesday and Friday lunches will most probably be offered by the organization. The Tuesday evening we will have diner in a typical Annecy restaurant (payed to the speakers).
The conference language is english
The organizers
Giovanni Feverati, Claire Lesieur, Laurent Vuillon