30 juin 2011 à 1 juillet 2011
Fuseau horaire Asia/Tokyo


KEK Dormitory
To reserve the KEK dormitory room you need to register as a KEK user.
importantRegistration is possible on this page.
For few fields you will find the information that has to be entered in the form here.

Once you register, you will receive the confirmation email (in around 1 day) and you will be able to change the password used for KEK registration pages and to reserve the dorms for the required period. This is available here.

Follow the link "-->Accomodation Booking and/or Travel-->"Make an Accomodation Booking and/or Apply for Travel Expenses". Some help can be obtained with this example and this one.

If you have already registered as a KEK user last year you need to renew the registration. Registration renewal is possible at the User's portal, following the link "
+Administrative Procedures for Visiting KEK/J-PARC " and "3.Annual Renewals". Some instructions for the renewal are avaiable here.

If you encounter any problem or if you have some question, please contact Bostjan Golob.

Urban Hotel
10 minutes walk from the KEK, but 10km from the center of Tsukuba

Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba
In the center of Tsukuba, but far from KEK. To go to KEK, the bus is not practical, it's better to take a taxi (around 2500 yen - 28 USD/single trip). Most of the driver understand just "KEK", but in some cases it might be necessary to say "Koh-eh-nel-ghi ken-cue-kikoh"