Fanrong Xu
(National Taiwan University)
New experiments under construction aim to push neutron electric dipole moment down by one to two orders of magnitude, to an eventual sensitivity of 10^{−28} e cm. The Standard Model would still be out of reach. However, there is renewed interest in the direct search for a possible fourth generation of quarks, which may carry sufficient CP violation for the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We estimate the neutron EDM in the presence of a fourth generation, and find it would be dominated by the strange quark chromoelectric dipole moment, assuming it does not get wiped out by a Peccei-Quinn symmetry. The three electroweak loop contribution is comparable in strength to the two-loop electroweak/one-loop gluonic contribution. With m_{b′}, m_{t′} at 500 GeV or so, and with a Jarlskog CPV factor that is consistent with hints of New Physics in b → s transitions, the neutron EDM is still far below 10^{−28} e cm.
Fanrong Xu
(National Taiwan University)
Junji Hisano
(Nagoya University and University of Tokyo)
Wei-Shu Hou
(National Taiwan University)