Fei-Fan Lee
(National Chiao Tung University)
The deployment of DeepCore array significantly lowers IceCube’s energy threshold to about 10 GeV and enhances the sensitivity of detecting neutrinos from annihilations and decays of light dark matter. To match this experimental development, we provide a complete analysis of track and cascade event rates in DeepCore array due to neutrino flux produced by annihilations and decays of galactic dark matter. We also calculate the background event rates due to atmospheric neutrino flux for evaluating the sensitivity of DeepCore array to galactic dark matter signatures. Unlike previous approaches, which set the energy threshold for track and cascade events at around 50 GeV (this choice makes the estimation of atmospheric background event rate much simpler, i.e., the oscillation effect in atmospheric neutrino flux can be neglected), we have set the energy threshold at 10 GeV to take the full advantage of DeepCore array. We compare our calculated sensitivity with those obtained by setting a 50 GeV threshold energy. We conclude that our choice of threshold energy significantly improves the sensitivity to dark matter signature for WIMP mass below 100 GeV.
Auteur principal
Fei-Fan Lee
(National Chiao Tung University)
Guey-Lin Lin
(National Chiao Tung University)