Ali N. khorramian
(Semnan university and IPM)
In this article we present the results of our QCD analysis for
proton structure function $F_{2}^{p} (x,Q^2)$ in order to
determine the parton distributions at next-to-leading order (NLO)
of QCD. We also study the heavy quark contributions to the proton
structure function $F_2^i(x,Q^2)$, with $i$ = $c$, $b$ within the
framework of the so called `fixed flavor number scheme' (FFNS)
parton model predictions at high energy colliders which is fully
predictive in the heavy quark sector where the heavy quark flavors
are produced entirely perturbatively from the initial light ($u$,
$d$, $s$) quarks and gluons - in full agreement with present
experiments. The results in the fixed-flavor scheme are compared
with those of the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme,
fixed-flavor scheme and other prescriptions used in global fits of
PDFs. We use a wide range of the inclusive neutral-current
deep-inelastic-scattering (DIS) world data in the present QCD
Our results are in very good agreement
with the recent measurements of $F_{2}^{p} (x,Q^2)$.}
Auteur principal
Ali N. khorramian
(Semnan university and IPM)
Hamzeh Khanpour
(Semnan university)
shahin Atashbar