This tutorial is an official Geant4 tutorial fully organized and approved by the Geant4 collaboration.
Practical information
Important: participation to this tutorial is restricted to CENBG, Intitut Bergonié and CELIA personnel. We apologize for the inconvenience. Other official tutorials are regularly organized by the Geant4 collaboration, please follow their announcement on
Lunches are taken daily at the Comté d'Ornon restaurant (see access: Lunch fee is not covered.
WiFi Internet is provided freely on CENBG site.
Participants are requested to join this tutorial with a laptop running the latest version of Geant4 (9.4+patch01). For this, a full Geant4 software suite for VMware is available freely to all through download at the following link.
Teachers: Pr V. Ivantchenko (CERN), Dr M. Maire (IN2P3/LAPP), Dr S. Incerti (IN2P3/CENBG)