First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Andrea | JEREMIE | LAPP-Universite de Savoie-CNRS/IN2P3 |
BOMBAR | Claudine | LAPP |
Bruno | Mansoulié | CEA-Saclay |
claude | girard | LAPP |
Colas | Jacques | LAPP |
Damir | Buskulic | Université de Savoie/LAPP |
Daniel | DECAMP | LAPP |
Daniel | Froidevaux | CERN |
Delcourt | Benoit | ex-Lal |
Dominique | Duchesneau | LAPP |
Elzbieta | Richter-Was | Jagiellonian University Krakow |
Fairouz | Malek | LPSC |
fournier | daniel | LAL-Orsay |
Henric | Wilkens | CERN |
Isabelle | Wingerter-Seez | LAPP |
Jacques | Lefrancois | LAL/ORSAY |
Jean-Eudes | Augustin | LPNHE |
jean-marc | gaillard | Cimade |
Johann | Collot | LPSC |
Kamal | Benslama | Uni. Regina |
Laurent | Serin | LAL |
Louis | Fayard | LAL |
Lucia | Di Ciaccio | LAPP |
Marco | Delmastro | CERN |
Maurice | Haguenauer | LLR/CNRS/IN2P3/Ecole Polytechnique |
Michel | Lefebvre | University of Victoria and LAPP |
Minard | Marie-Noelle | LAPP |
Mohamed | Aharrouche | Universität Mainz |
Mohamed | EL KACIMI | Université Cadi Ayyad - Marrakech |
MOUSSAT | Alain | Personnel (Famille) |
Olivier | Callot | LAL |
Patrick | Fassnacht | CERN |
Patrick | Puzo | LAL |
Peter | Jenni | CERN |
PILON | eric | lapth |
repellin | jean-paul | retraité |
Robert | Barate | retraite |
Thi Kieu Oanh | Doan | Lapp |
VALLEE | Chantal | LAPP |
Vincent | Tisserand | LAPP |
Yannis | Karyotakis | LAPP/IN2P3/CNRS Uni de Savoie |
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