15–17 mai 2008
CNRS, Headquarters
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
FJPPL workshop: all slides available


Basic Research in a Global world II

16 mai 2008, 16:10
Main Auditorium (CNRS, Headquarters)

Main Auditorium

CNRS, Headquarters

3, rue Michel-Ange - 75794 PARIS cedex 16 - FRANCE

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
To be announced (NEDO)
16/05/2008 16:10
Prof. Gwang-Hi JEUNG (CNRS DRI in charge of the Asian-Pacific regions)
16/05/2008 16:25
Dr Doris NEUMANN (International Relations (CEA))
16/05/2008 16:40
Prof. Bernard BOSREDON (University Paris 3 (Former President)), Marie-Claire Lett (Maison Universitaire France-Japon , Directrice)
16/05/2008 16:55
Prof. Cecile SAKAI (Vice-presidente U. Paris Diderot)
16/05/2008 17:15
Prof. Fumihiko TAKASAKI (KEK), Prof. Michel SPIRO (CNRS/IN2P3)
16/05/2008 17:30
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