May 15 – 17, 2008
CNRS, Headquarters
Europe/Paris timezone
FJPPL workshop: all slides available
France Japan Particle Physics laboratory (FJPPL) 2nd workshop. FJPPL is a joint Laboratory (LIA) supported by IN2P3/CNRS, IRFU/DSM/CEA and KEK. Last FJPPL'07 workshop contributions are available here All currently supported programs and new proposals will be presented at this workshop. * FJPPL Workshop: Thur. May 15 -- Fri. May 16 2008 * Banquet: Fri. May 16 (Evening) 2008 * FJPP LIA Steering committee: Sat. May 17 (Morning) 2008 * KEK-IN2P3-IRFU Directorate Meeting : Sat. May 17 (Afternoon) 2008
CNRS, Headquarters
Main Auditorium
3, rue Michel-Ange - 75794 PARIS cedex 16 - FRANCE
  • Denis Perret-Gallix
  • Fumihiko Takasaki
Téléphone : (33)1 44 96 44 43 Fax : (33)1 44 96 53 40