13–14 janv. 2011
LPC Clermont
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Determining the photon polarization of the b->s gamma using the B->K1(1270) gamma->(K pi pi) gamma decay

13 janv. 2011, 11:40
Amphithéâtre Recherche (LPC Clermont)

Amphithéâtre Recherche

LPC Clermont

Campus des Cézeaux Bât. 6,7,8 Physique 24, avenue des Landais F- 63177 Aubière Cedex
15+5 Main


M. Andrey Tayduganov (LPT/LAL, Orsay, France)


Recently the radiative $B$ decay to the strange axial-vector mesons, $B\to K_1(1270) \gamma$, has been observed with rather large branching ratio. This process is particularly interesting as the subsequent $K_1$ decay into its three body final state allows us to determine the polarization of the photon, which is mostly left- (right-)handed for $\overline{B} (B)$ in the SM while various new physics models predict additional right- (left-)handed components. A new method is proposed to determine the polarization, exploiting the full Dalitz plot distribution, which seems to reduce significantly the statistical errors. This polarization measurement requires however a detailed knowledge of the $K_1 \to K \pi \pi$ strong interaction decays, namely, the various partial wave amplitudes into the several possible quasi two-body channels, as well as their relative phases. The pattern of partial waves is especially complex for the $K_1(1270)$. We attempt to obtain the information through the combination of an experimental input and a theoretical one, provided by the $^3P_0$ quark-pair-creation model.

Auteurs principaux

Dr Alain Le Yaouanc (LPT. Orsay, France) M. Andrey Tayduganov (LPT/LAL, Orsay, France) Dr Emi Kou (LAL, Orsay, France)

Documents de présentation