Ecole Geant4 2008

Salle des sommets (Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Annecy, France)

Salle des sommets

Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Annecy, France

9 Chemin de Bellevue 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux France Phone: +33 4 50 09 16 00
Welcome to the French Geant4 2008 tutorial website. This year, the tutorial will take place at the Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP) in Annecy, France. It will be organized in two identical and successive sessions, each one being limited to 30 participants maximum. The first session will take place from Nov. 18 till Nov. 21 and the second from Nov. 25 till Nov. 28. Both sessions are now entirely *FULL*. However, there is a waiting list, please send your request to: The timetable for the second session will be exactly the same as for the first session. Participants are requested to register to one session only. The registration fee is 250 € (includes lunches and coffee breaks). Please notice that the working langage will be French. Participants are expected to be fluent in this language to be able to properly follow the tutorial. The tutorial is supported by CEA/DSM, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3 and Hampton Univ.
  • adrien matta
  • Alessandro Flacco
  • Ambroise Espargiliere
  • Amokrane ALLAOUA
  • Arnaud Claret
  • Aurelien Marsili
  • Aymeric SAUVAGEON
  • Baptsite MOUGINOT
  • Beatriz Jurado
  • benjamin braunn
  • Benoît Horeau Horeau
  • Carlos Munoz Camacho
  • Carmen Villagrasa
  • cecile weulersse
  • Christelle Huet
  • Clarisse Hamadache
  • Concettina Maiolino
  • Cyril Plaisir
  • daniel sillou
  • Diane Doré
  • djillali lebaad benhafsa
  • Eric FUCHEY
  • florian itard
  • Franco Michel-Sendis
  • Gonzalo Cabal
  • Guillaume Boutoux
  • Iulian stefan
  • jean-etienne sauvestre
  • Jingfang HAO
  • João Bernardo Pena Mdeira Gouveia de Campos
  • Juan Cabrera
  • Koryo Okumura
  • Laurent Audouin
  • Laurent Tassan-Got
  • Leonid Burmistrov
  • Lina Quintieri
  • Mariusz Sapinski
  • maryvonne de jesus
  • Mauro Testa
  • Mourad Aiche
  • Mélanie RAINE
  • nadege dartial
  • Olivier Besida
  • Olivier GODET
  • Olle Lundh
  • Philippe Laurent
  • Philippe Velten
  • Pia Loaiza
  • Remi Chipaux
  • Samra KAIM
  • Sandra GIRON
  • Souad Baccouche
  • Thi Cam Ha NGUYEN
  • Thomas Gorbinet
  • Till Tobias Boehlen
  • Tomoko MURANAKA
  • Véronique SANGARD