Présidents de session
- Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Paris XI - IPNO)
- Evgenij Martynov
- Georges Ripka
Hagop Sazdjian
(IPN, Universite Paris-Sud 11, Orsay)
06/04/2011 14:00
Study of QCD2 with gauge invariant quark Green's functions
Fabien Buisseret
(University of Mons)
06/04/2011 14:30
Pure Yang-Mills theory is confining for any simple gauge algebra, although the case of su(3), i.e. pure gauge QCD, has logically been the most studied one so far. As for QCD, glueballs are expected to be present in the low-energy spectrum of Yang-Mills theory with an arbitrary simple gauge algebra. In this talk, the general structure of this spectrum will be discussed within a quasigluon...
Samuel Wallon
(LPT Orsay and UPMC university)
07/04/2011 08:30
We review the recent progresses in the theory of hard exclusive processes. The collinear factorization approach is presented and illustrated, including deep virtual Compton scattering, non-exotic and exotic meson electroproduction. We then provide a short survey of kt-factorization in the limit of asymptotical center-of-mass energies. We end-up with recent results obtained on the power...
Cédric Lorcé
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
07/04/2011 09:00
Parton distributions, quark models, spherical symmetry
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
(IFPA, universitè Liége)
07/04/2011 09:30
We discuss the collinear factorization formula
for the associated production of one particle and a Drell-Yan pair
in hadronic collisions.
We outline possible applications of the results to different research
Lech Szymanowski
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Department of Theoretical Physics)
07/04/2011 10:00
Exclusive photoproduction of dileptons, gamma N->e+e-N, is and will be measured in ultraperipheral collisions at hadron colliders, such as the Tevatron, RHIC and the LHC but also at lower energies at JLab. We demonstrate that the timelike deeply virtual Compton scattering (TCS), gamma q -> e+e- q, where the lepton pair comes from the subprocess gamma q -> gamma* q dominates in some accessible...
Evgenij Martynov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
07/04/2011 11:00
Analysis of the data on forward $pp$, \bar pp, \pi^{\pm}p$ and $K^{\pm}p$
scattering is performed making use of the
integral and derivative dispersion relations for amplitudes. The various pomeron
and odderon models for the total cross sections are considered and compared.
Real part of the amplitude is calculated via dispesion relations. It is shown
that the integral dispersion...
Claude Semay
(University of Mons)
07/04/2011 11:30
Approximate analytical energy formulas for N-body semirelativistic Hamiltonians with one- and two-body interactions are obtained within the framework of the auxiliary field method. We first review the method in the case of nonrelativistic two-body problems. A general procedure is then given for N-body systems and applied to the case of baryons in the large-Nc limit.
David Blaschke
(University of Wroclaw)
07/04/2011 12:00
We consider a chemical freeze-out mechanism which is based on a strong medium dependence of the rates for inelastic flavor-equilibrating collisions based on the delocalization of hadronic wave functions and growing hadronic radii when approaching the chiral restoration. We investigate the role of mesonic (pion) and baryonic (nucleon) fluctuations for melting the chiral condensate in the phase...