Jens Braun
(Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut)
Strongly-interacting theories of fermions are of great interest both experimentally and theoretically. While heavy-ion collision experiments provide us with information on hot and dense QCD, experiments with ultracold trapped atoms provide an accessible and controllable system where quantum many-body phenomena can be studied experimentally in great detail. Our theoretical understanding of these theories have improved in recent years. However, finite-size effects in these systems are not yet fully understood. During my time as a graduate student, Prof. Pirner already encouraged me to look into these problems, in particular with respect to heavy-ion collision experiments. In the present talk, I review some aspects of finite-size effects and the role that they are playing in strongly-interacting fermionic theories.
Auteur principal
Jens Braun
(Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut)