Meson-proton and proton-proton forward elastic scattering in dispersion relations

7 avr. 2011, 11:00
Sol Cress

Sol Cress

Spaloumont, 5 B-4900 Spa Belgique


Dr Evgenij Martynov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)


Analysis of the data on forward $pp$, \bar pp, \pi^{\pm}p$ and $K^{\pm}p$ scattering is performed making use of the integral and derivative dispersion relations for amplitudes. The various pomeron and odderon models for the total cross sections are considered and compared. Real part of the amplitude is calculated via dispesion relations. It is shown that the integral dispersion relations lead to a better description of the data at $\sqrt{s}>$5 GeV. Predictions of the considered models for the TOTEM experiment at LHC energies are given.

Auteur principal

Dr Evgenij Martynov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.