Hagop Sazdjian
(IPN, Universite Paris-Sud 11, Orsay)
06/04/2011 14:00
Study of QCD2 with gauge invariant quark Green's functions
Fabien Buisseret
(University of Mons)
06/04/2011 14:30
Pure Yang-Mills theory is confining for any simple gauge algebra, although the case of su(3), i.e. pure gauge QCD, has logically been the most studied one so far. As for QCD, glueballs are expected to be present in the low-energy spectrum of Yang-Mills theory with an arbitrary simple gauge algebra. In this talk, the general structure of this spectrum will be discussed within a quasigluon...
Bogdan Povh
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
06/04/2011 15:00
The forward neutron production in the $ep$ collisions at 300 GeV CM measured by the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations at DESY has been used to estimate the total probability for the proton fluctuation into $n\pi^+$ and $p\pi^0$. The probability found is on the order of the 25\%. This number is compared with the numbers obtained for the probability of quark fluctuation into $\pi^+$ and $\pi^0$ from...
Jens Braun
(Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut)
06/04/2011 16:00
Strongly-interacting theories of fermions are of great interest both experimentally and theoretically. While heavy-ion collision experiments provide us with information on hot and dense QCD, experiments with ultracold trapped atoms provide an accessible and controllable system where quantum many-body phenomena can be studied experimentally in great detail. Our theoretical understanding of...
Frank Steffen
(MPI of Physics)
06/04/2011 16:30
My talk consists of two parts. In the first part, the loop-loop correlation model (LLCM) is presented which has been developed in collaboration with Hans-Juergen Pirner. This model allows for a or a unified description of static color dipole potentials, confining QCD strings, and hadronic high-energy reactions and shows saturation effects that manifest S-matrix unitarity at ultra-high...
Bertram Klein
(Technische Universität München)
06/04/2011 17:00
Quantum Chromodynamics at finite temperature and density is currently a subject of great interest, due to both advances in experimental heavy-ion collisions and theoretical improvement of our understanding in recent years. Simulations of the theory on finite space-time lattices provide important theoretical advances. But in particular for investigating QCD phase transitions, large quark masses...
Samuel Wallon
(LPT Orsay and UPMC university)
07/04/2011 08:30
We review the recent progresses in the theory of hard exclusive processes. The collinear factorization approach is presented and illustrated, including deep virtual Compton scattering, non-exotic and exotic meson electroproduction. We then provide a short survey of kt-factorization in the limit of asymptotical center-of-mass energies. We end-up with recent results obtained on the power...
Cédric Lorcé
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
07/04/2011 09:00
Parton distributions, quark models, spherical symmetry
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
(IFPA, universitè Liége)
07/04/2011 09:30
We discuss the collinear factorization formula
for the associated production of one particle and a Drell-Yan pair
in hadronic collisions.
We outline possible applications of the results to different research
Lech Szymanowski
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Department of Theoretical Physics)
07/04/2011 10:00
Exclusive photoproduction of dileptons, gamma N->e+e-N, is and will be measured in ultraperipheral collisions at hadron colliders, such as the Tevatron, RHIC and the LHC but also at lower energies at JLab. We demonstrate that the timelike deeply virtual Compton scattering (TCS), gamma q -> e+e- q, where the lepton pair comes from the subprocess gamma q -> gamma* q dominates in some accessible...
Evgenij Martynov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
07/04/2011 11:00
Analysis of the data on forward $pp$, \bar pp, \pi^{\pm}p$ and $K^{\pm}p$
scattering is performed making use of the
integral and derivative dispersion relations for amplitudes. The various pomeron
and odderon models for the total cross sections are considered and compared.
Real part of the amplitude is calculated via dispesion relations. It is shown
that the integral dispersion...
Claude Semay
(University of Mons)
07/04/2011 11:30
Approximate analytical energy formulas for N-body semirelativistic Hamiltonians with one- and two-body interactions are obtained within the framework of the auxiliary field method. We first review the method in the case of nonrelativistic two-body problems. A general procedure is then given for N-body systems and applied to the case of baryons in the large-Nc limit.
David Blaschke
(University of Wroclaw)
07/04/2011 12:00
We consider a chemical freeze-out mechanism which is based on a strong medium dependence of the rates for inelastic flavor-equilibrating collisions based on the delocalization of hadronic wave functions and growing hadronic radii when approaching the chiral restoration. We investigate the role of mesonic (pion) and baryonic (nucleon) fluctuations for melting the chiral condensate in the phase...
Athina Meli
(Universite Liege)
07/04/2011 14:30
The shock acceleration mechanism is invoked to explain non-thermal
cosmic rays in Supernova Remnants, Active Galactic Nuclei and Gamma Ray Bursts jets. Especially, the importance of relativistic shock acceleration and ultra high energy cosmic ray production in extragalactic sources such as Active Galactic Nuclei and
Gamma Ray Bursts is a recurring theme, raising a significant
interest in...
Joseph Cugnon
(Université de Liège)
07/04/2011 15:00
After a short introduction to spallation reaction, arguments will be given to view the latter as a transport process and to advocate the treatment of the latter by simulations tools, in particular the Intranuclear Cascade Model. Conditions of validity and unification of reaction models will be shortly discussed.
07/04/2011 15:15
We will describe the Liège Intra Nuclear Cascade created and developped by Joseph Cugnon till the eighties.
Sophie Pedoux
07/04/2011 16:15
1 GeV - 1 TeV
The validity of the standard version of the Li`ege Intra-Nuclear cascade (INCL) model, which has been shown to be quite successful for the description of spallation reactions, is limited to an upper incident energy of more or less 2 GeV, because inelastic elementary processes are restricted to the excitation and de-excitation of the Delta resonance. In this talk, I will present how the INCL...
Davide Mancusi
(University of Liège)
07/04/2011 16:45
Intranuclear-cascade models (INC) are a precious tool for the description of hadron-nucleus reactions between ~0.1 and a few GeV, as it has been proved by extensive comparisons and benchmarks. The development of such models is however still active and is motivated at the same time by fundamental questions and applications. Moreover, INC models provide an accurate understanding of the entrance...
Joseph Cugnon
(Université de Liège)
07/04/2011 17:15
The Casimir effect is usually interpreted as due to the modification of the zero point energy of QED when two perfectly conducting plates are put very close to each other, and as a proof of the ``reality'' of this zero point energy. The Dark Energy, necessary to explain the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe, is sometimes considered as a manifestation of the same reality despite a...
Igor Ivanov
(University of Liege)
07/04/2011 17:50
Photons carrying non-zero orbital angular momentum (twisted photons) are well-known in optics. Recently, it was suggested to use Compton backscattering to boost optical twisted photons to high energies. Twisted electrons in the intermediate energy range have also been produced recently. Thus, collisions involving energetic twisted particles seem to be feasible and represent a new tool in...
Hans-Jürgen Pirner
(Institut für Theoretische Physik)
07/04/2011 21:30
Johanna Stachel
(Heidelberg U.)
08/04/2011 09:00
1 TeV - Planck mass
Discussion of the first ALICE results from the first lead-lead runs.
Nicolas Matagne
(University of Mons)
08/04/2011 09:30
We study at RHIC and LHC energies the Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects on $J/\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ production, whose understanding is fundamental to evaluate the Quark Gluon Plasma or Hot Nuclear Matter effects.
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(Paris XI - IPNO)
08/04/2011 11:00
We discuss a number of arguments strongly supporting the conception of a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment with the proton or lead-ion LHC beam.
jean-marie frere
(ULB , Brussels , Physth)
08/04/2011 11:30
We show that the supposed Majorana nature of neutrinos is intimately linked to the presence of large mixing angles between families. This follows simpy from Lorentz invariance in an extended (6-dimensional model).
The appraoch predicts in addition an "Inverted Hierarchy" between neutrino masses, mitigated however by a large "pseudo-Dirac" compensation, which limits the rate of neutrinoless...
Diego Aristizabal
(Universite de Liege)
08/04/2011 12:00
Models for massive Majorana neutrinos in which lepton number is broken at (or near) the electroweak scale lead to direct testable experimental predictions. This talk concentrates on two classes of generic models: models in which neutrino masses arise via radiative corrections and supersymmetric models with broken R-parity. Special emphasis is put on their phenomenological implications, in...