This meeting is part of a series of workshops organised over the last 15 years and gathering physicists from CEA-Saclay, IPN Orsay, Universität Heidelberg, Universität Bochum, Uniwersytet Wroclawski and Université de Liège. This year, it is organised in honor of the retirements of Hans-Jürgen Pirner and of Joseph Cugnon. Two half days will be devoted to themes close to the investigations of J. Cugnon and H.J. Pirner. The rest of the meeting will treat questions related to astroparticle physics, heavy flavours and QCD, with priority given to junior researchers.
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Sol Cress
Spaloumont, 5 B-4900 Spa Belgique
Local organising committee: J.R. Cudell (ULg), L. Favart (ULB), J.P. Lansberg (Paris-Sud XI), D. Mancusi (ULg), N. Matagne (UMH), S. Pedoux (ULg) Scientific committee: J.R. Cudell (ULg), J. Cugnon (ULg), J.P. Lansberg (Paris-Sud XI), H.J. Pirner (Heidelberg), H. Sazdjian (Paris-Sud XI), L. Szymanowski (Soltan Inst.)