Sladjana Nikolic
(MPIA Heidelberg)
30/06/2011 18:00
Supernova remnants are laboratories for studying optical shocks. Shocks with velocities of a few hundred km/s (or more) produce two-component Hα lines: a narrow spike atop a broad base. The widths of these lines serve as thermometers for the pre- and post-shock ambient interstellar medium, the ratio of the line strengths is a diagnostic for plasma conditions in the shock, and the offset...
Christian Fernando MEJíA GUAMáN
(PUC Rio)
30/06/2011 18:05
Methane (CH$_{4}$) and methanol (CH$_{3}$OH) ices are present in various astrophysical environments, from dense molecular clouds to several small objects in the outer solar system, in particular on Saturn satellite Triton and to be a constituent of the icy mantle on interstellar grain [1]. There is a clear lack of information about the phenomena induced by the heavy-ion component of...