26 juin 2011 à 1 juillet 2011
Montpellier, France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Cosmic ray streaming instabilities in the long-wavelength limit

28 juin 2011, 14:35
Main amphitheater (Polytech)

Main amphitheater


Polytech Université Montpellier II


Dr Klara Schure (Oxford University)


Diffusive shock acceleration is the prime candidate for efficient acceleration of cosmic rays. Galactic cosmic rays are believed to originate predominantly from this process in supernova remnant shock waves. Confinement of the cosmic rays in the shock region is key in making the mechanism effective. It has been known that on small scales (smaller than the typical gyroradius) high-amplitude non-resonant instabilities arise due to cosmic ray streaming ahead of the shock. For the efficiency of scattering of the highest energy cosmic rays it is of interest to determine the type of instabilities that act on longer length scales, i.e. larger than the cosmic ray gyroradius. I will present the results of our analysis of an instability that acts in this regime and will discuss its driving mechanism.

Documents de présentation