Part 1:
In high-energy experiments, especially for those with high luminosity collider, data acquisition system is designed to be capable of handling large event rate and data size. Electronics devices with Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and Field-Programmable-Gate-Array (FPGA) are essential to perform real-time processing on the data from particle detectors. In the entire data chain of DAQ system, the Front-End Electronics perform digitization on the analog data from detectors; the readout system collects and buffers the data from multiple detectors; and the trigger systems filter the data based on real-time reconstruction. We will give an overview of the data chain of DAQ, the design of each component, and the prospect of future upgrade in this field.
Part 2:
The Belle II experiment is a flavor physics experiment conducted at the SuperKEKB e⁺e⁻ collider at KEK in Japan. Full-scale data acquisition began in 2019, and to date, the experiment has collected 575 fb⁻¹ of data. This dataset has been used for studying B meson decays to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. One of the important components of the experiment is the online DAQ system, which has been developed and operated to efficiently process the data generated by the Belle II detector in real time. In this talk, I will present an overview of the Belle II online DAQ system, its architecture, key functionalities, and performance for data-taking. I will also discuss the challenges encountered and ongoing improvements.