3–4 avr. 2025
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

ISOL-France Workshop VI (27-29 mai 2024) · IJCLab Events Directory (Indico)

The goal of this seventh workshop is to present the different advances of the ISOL-France community in the period  2024-2025 and to discuss the scientific perspectives and possible collaborations for the upcoming years. The workshop covers 5 topics: RIB facilities, decay spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and tests of fundamental interactions.

ISOL-France board members:

  • Sarina Geldhof (GANIL)
  • Louis-Alexandre Lalanne (IPHC)
  • Vladimir Manea (IJCLab)
  • Maud Versteegen (LP2iB)
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Salle des Conseils
Access information: https://www.ijclab.in2p3.fr/en/ijclab/practical-information/
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