The SM session will feature two main working groups on the following topics:
Precision Measurements (including precision Higgs physics, QCD and EW corrections to SM processes, amplitudes, and PDFs)
Monte Carlo & Tools, Resummation, Jets, and Machine Learning Techniques
In addition, part of the discussions will be dedicated to higher-order computations for future high-energy colliders. A significant portion of the session will be devoted to brainstorming discussions and collaborative work among participants, with some discussions led by conveners.
Light proceedings are foreseen.
Precision Measurements [TH]:
R. Poncelet (IFJ PAN Krakow, Poland)
R. Röntsch (University of Milan, Italy)
Precision Measurements [EXP]:
U. Blumenschein (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
J. Huston (Michigan State University, USA)
A. C. Marini (University of Pisa, Italy)
MC&Tools, Resummation, Jets, ML [TH]:
S. Ferrario Ravasio (CERN, Switzerland)
D. Reichelt (CERN, Switzerland)
MC&Tools, Resummation, Jets, ML [EXP]:
A. Grohsjean (University of Hamburg, Germany)
J. Roloff (Brown University, USA)