10–13 mars 2025
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme Scientifique

The scope of the workshop encompasses presentations and discussions on:

  • Perspectives for Physics with reaccelerated ISOL beams, in the short term with eg ACTAR, MUGAST, EXOGAM, in the longer term with the forthcoming AGATA+GRIT@VAMOS campaign

  • Perspectives for Physics with low energy ISOL beams, for the DESIR future programs (« DETRAP, BESTIOL, LUMIERE ») and ALTO.
    These perspectives will be discussed on the basis of input received from the community.

  • R&D on the above mentionned ISOL beams, including targets, ion sources, charge breeding and purification techniques, conducted at GANIL, IJClab and LPSC.

  • future potential developments, like batch mode or Laser Ionisation at SPIRAL1

  • Organisation for operation for the forthcoming years at SPIRAL 1 and ALTO