9–11 avr. 2025
Observatoire de Paris - Site de Meudon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Welcome to the Indico page of the 2025 edition of the Elbereth conference !

Every year, the Elbreth conference gathers PhD students from various astronomy and astrophysics laboratories of the Île-de-France region. Organized by and for PhD students, it aims to develop links between students and allows the participant to discover the most recent work in astrophysics. This is also a unique opportunity to train at presenting your work in front of an audience, with a lower pressure than during a big international conference.

You are invited to submit an abstract for a 15-minutes oral presentation (subject to acceptance). Even if the use of English is strongly recommended, it's also possible to present in French, but in this case, at least the slides must be in English.

Before submitting an abstract, don't forget to register here at the conference.

Note: You need to be logged into Indico to be able to submit an abstract. If you don't already have an account, you can create one or log in with your institutional account (EduGain SSO).

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Observatoire de Paris - Site de Meudon
Amphithéâtre Evry Schatzman
Observatoire de Paris - Site de Meudon 5, place Jules Janssen 92195 MEUDON
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