Meeting ITk LPNHE

Higgs 12-22-2-28

Higgs 12-22-2-28

Francesco CRESCIOLI (LPNHE), Giovanni Calderini (LPNHE Paris), Reina Camacho Toro (LPNHE), Stephanie Beauceron (LPNHE)

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Presents: Yahya, David, Cyrille, Paul, Francesco, Yann, Giovanni, Thiziri

General news:

  • PRR report arrived. Not passed (as expected). Issue with the yield. A task force will be formed.
  • We could do a "local yield" to understand our
  • ITk Week

Probe station:

  • Liquid is back in the chiller


  • Nothing to report


  • We have 2 modules to glue


  • PPP38 is @half done to wait for training, but could be finished since we have two new modules that will be added in the pipeline
  • We received the red-chip assembly for testing
  • We need to contact MB for the screw
  • New tool has not been ordered because the company was not in our DB. The procedure to add into the DB is initiated.
  • Yann contacted a couple of workshops to do the planarity rectification and we can't obtain a positive reply, the constraints are too tight
    • no luck also with other labs


  • 10.3 - 10.4 was presented to the collaboration
  • The design of the heatsink for the climate chambre is fixed. Order is ongoing. Stuck in the administration
  • Tests for 10.2 ognoing
    • Dewpoint logic is in the ATOM FW now, under test
    • Magnet is to be integrated in the interlock
  • HV card is under repair @ CAEN, probably done this week

Outer barrel wirebond protection:

  • Glue height is not in spec and it's not stable
  • Is this a problem? Diego (CERN) will do weight tests to asses this point
  • New stencils received
  • Conductivity might be solved by new stencil

Parylene masking/demasking:

  • We received new tooling from Jon. We need to test it on PPP15 and PPP16


  • Yahya ask for black foam. We have it, we just have to find it
  • A piece that can be adapted for humidity control has been found.
  • No new bottle of nitrogen yet
  • Plan to use the switch to control the peltier
Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 10:30 10:35
      General news 5m
      Orateurs: Francesco CRESCIOLI (LPNHE), Giovanni Calderini (LPNHE Paris), Reina Camacho Toro (LPNHE)
    • 10:35 10:55
      Wire bonding 20m
      Orateur: pascal corona (LPNHE)
    • 10:55 11:15
      Mechanics 20m
      Orateur: Yann ORAIN
    • 11:15 11:35
      Sensors & Module Assembly 20m
      Orateur: Paul Chabrillat (LPNHE-CNRS)
    • 11:35 11:55
      DAQ & Electronics 20m
      Orateurs: David MARTIN (LPNHE), David MARTIN (LPNHE), Francesco CRESCIOLI (LPNHE), Paul Chabrillat (LPNHE-CNRS)
    • 11:45 12:05
      Outer Barrel Wirebond Protection 20m
      Orateur: Thiziri AMEZZA (LPNHE)