Weekly seminars

Studying dark sector imprints in cosmology and ground based experiment

par Sk Jeesun (IACS Kolkata)

Salle des Sommets (LAPTh)

Salle des Sommets


9, chemin de Bellevue ANNECY

Relativistic degrees of freedom or N_eff is one of the crucial cosmological parameters and is sensitive to extra radiation energy density at the time of neutrino decoupling. The precise measurement of N_eff at the time of CMB formation by Planck 2018 can be used to understand fundamental interactions and to shed light on beyond standard model (BSM) scenarios. In this talk I will explain how N_eff can probe light (MeV) freeze in dark matter models which contain additional neutrino injection at late time. We propose a scenario where a long lived scalar decays to a dark matter and active neutrinos after BBN. Despite the feeble coupling of DM the parameter space can be probed via N_eff. I will also talk about how N_eff at CMB can constrain light Z' gauge boson realized in generic BSM  U(1)_X scenarios. Finally, from the perspective of ground based experiments, I will show how table top experiments like optically trapped nanospheres can shed light on MeV scale dark matter and other BSM particles like ALP.