Séminaires LLR

The Compton Pair prototypes: A next-generation MeV gamma-ray observatory

by Janeth Valverde (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

Salle de Conference (LLR)

Salle de Conference



The Compton Pair (ComPair) project is developing the necessary technologies for future medium energy gamma-ray missions in order to address the open questions about the physics underlying multi-messenger astrophysical phenomena and exotic physics. ComPair had its inaugural balloon flight from Fort Sumner, NM, USA, in August 2023. The ComPair team is now developing an upgraded prototype with lower-noise and increased particle-tracking sensitivity, and low-energy transient capabilities. These advancements are enabled by silicon monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, AstroPix. The significant increase in the detector active area will enable an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity with respect to the first prototype. In this presentation we will give an overview of the ComPair prototypes, initial results from the balloon flight, and steps forward.

