We present recent AGATA-PRISMA results on multi-nucleon transfer reactions induced by 22Ne and 26Mg beams on a 238U target at LNL. The experiments aim at exploring the boundaries of the N = 20 Island of Inversion by following the evolution of negative parity states originating from fp shell excitations, locating excited intruder configurations, and tracking the development of quadrupole and octupole collectivity toward N = 20. This work is primarily focused on the spectroscopy of Ne and Mg isotopes with neutron number N = 12−18 to benchmark state-of-the-art nuclear structure theories. The experimental setup, comprising the AGATA γ array coupled to the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer, allowed us to detect and identify the ions of interest and measure, in coincidence, γ rays from excited states as well as lifetimes with the DSAM technique. EM transition rates and excitation energies will be compared to state-of-the art theoretical calculations to track the evolution of nuclear structure toward the Island of Inversion. Preliminary results and future perspectives will be discussed.