Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
20–22 nov. 2024
ANL, Physics Division B203
Fuseau horaire US/Central
Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Programme Scientifique

Preliminary programm

  • Overviews and Updates on AGATA and GRETA Projects/Operations

    AGATA project status Emmanuel Clement (GANIL, France)
    GRETA project status Paul Fallon (LBNL, USA)
    GRETA System assembly and performance Heather Crawford (LBNL, USA)
    GRETA electronics Chris Campbell (LBNL, USA)
    Status of the AGATA electronics Andres Gadea (IFIC, Spain)- TBC
    AGATA computing model Olivier Stezowski (IP2I Lyon, France)
    GRETA computing model Mario Cromaz (LBNL, USA)
    GRETINA @FRIB status. Stephen Gillespie (FRIB, USA)
    AGATA@Legnaro status Alain Goadsuff (LNL Legnaro, Italy)

  • Tracking and Signal Decomposition/Processing

    PSA R&D with AGATA Fraser Holloway (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Decomp AI/ML status Mario Cromaz (LBNL, USA)
    Tracking developments with AI/ML Thomas Lynn (ANL, USA)
    Pair production implementation in AFT Torben Lauritsen (ANL, USA)
    Tracking status and prospectives in AGATA Waely Lopez-Martens (IJClab, France)- TBC

  • Analysis of Array Performance and Characteristics Data

    AGATA detector characterization Dan Judson (University of Liverpool, UK)
    N-damage status, characterization and performance Chris Everett (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Neutron damage correction for GRETINA Marco Siciliano (ANL, USA)
    Building a better basis: performance with NN TBC
    A self-calibration method for gamma-ray energy tracking arrays Stefanos Paschalis (University of York, UK)
    Simulation status and benchmarking with real data Lew Riley (Ursinus, USA)
    Simulation and benchmarking efficiency in AGATA TBC
    Recent achievements in Analysis techniques and software eco-system in AGATA Olivier Stezowski (IP2I Lyon, France)
    New developments for the data analysis: QC and HK analysis, Angular distribution and linear polarization Torben Lauritsen (ANL, USA)
    Linear polarization analysis with fast beam data Peter Farris (FRIB, USA)

  • Developments in Detector Technologies

    Gamma-ray tracking applications, new Ge detector technologies TBD

  • Discussion and Concluding Remarks