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D2i2 is proud to announce the 9th edition of our workshop "Perspectives" !
Registrations are now opened!
Whether your PhD thesis is just starting, advancing, or a distant memory, these two days will answer your most serious questions about your professional future in a friendly and relevant environment. During the workshop, about 15 speakers are invited, researchers in the public and private sectors, working in outreach, teachers, working in start ups or large companies... Recruitment and occupational integration specialists will also be present.
During round tables or within small-group activities, they will explain their path and their actual work, will detail the terms and conditions of competitions for public research, and demystify how recruitment works in the private sector. These two days will give you a broad view of the available perspectives after a PhD thesis in our fields.
The PHENIICS doctoral school sponsors this event, and will account it as one of your doctoral training, as long as you take part in the two days of the event. For the second year, the workshop will be hosted in English.
Registration is free, and not only reserved to D2i2 members. All PhD students from any doctoral school is welcome. Lunch and coffee breaks are provided within the limit of participation numbers.