Séminaires LLR

Gravitational waves from strongly-coupled first-order phase transitions

par Mikel Sanchez (École Polytechnique)

Salle de conférence (LLR)

Salle de conférence


The potential detection of gravitational waves coming from a first-order phase transition in the early universe has opened the exciting door into discovering physics beyond the Standard Model. First-order phase transitions are assumed to proceed via the nucleation, expansion and collision of bubbles. The emitted spectrum crucially depends on the bubble wall velocity, which, being an out-of-equilibrium property, is challenging to compute by even in weakly coupled theories. In this talk I will review recent progress done using the AdS/CFT duality in the study of bubble dynamics and the computation of the wall speed in strongly-coupled gauge theories. Additionally, I will apply general ideas from cosmological transitions Neutron Star mergers to propose a possible signal in the MHz band.  
Zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/65188347766?pwd=aUx1UFhEV2U4L0xMZzFNb3JkN1JXUT09