Wébinaires de l'Action Dark Energy et du GDR CoPhy

Cosmological results from the first eROSITA All Sky Survey

par Emmanuel Artis (MPIE)

The evolution of the cluster mass function traces the growth of the linear density perturbations and can be used for constraining
the parameters of the standard model of structure formation. 
We present new constraints obtained using the first eROSITA All-Sky Survey (eRASS:1) cluster catalog
in the Western Galactic Hemisphere in combination with the overlapping Dark Energy Survey Y3, KIDS, Hyper Supreme Camera
data for weak lensing mass calibration. The eRASS1 cluster catalog is the largest X-ray cluster catalog to date.
Our measurement of the parameter S8 is in good agreement with the state-of-the-art CMB experiments
and do not confirm the tension observed by weak lensing experiments. 
Additionally, we place a stringent upper limit on the sum of the neutrino mass and significantly improve the measurements of 
the dark energy equation of state. 
Finally, we improve the cosmological constraints over a factor of 5 to 9 over the previous cluster surveys, setting the stage for deeper 
eROSITA All_Sky surveys and future cluster experiments.