Neutrino tagging is a new experimental method for accelerator based neutrino experiments. The method consists in exploiting the neutrino production mechanism, the $\pi^\pm\to\mu^\pm \nu_\mu$ decay, to kinematically reconstruct the neutrino properties from the decay incoming and outgoing charged particles. The reconstruction of these particles relies on the recent progress and on-going developments in silicon particle detector technology. The method is particularly suited to study neutrino interactions at short baseline experiments and neutrino oscillations at long baseline ones with mega-ton scale natural water Cherenkov detectors.
After introducing the method, its benefits, and the sensitivity to key observables it would offer, the seminar will discuss its implementation. The discussion will start with a presentation of the recent proof-of-principle of the tagging technique, performed using the CERN NA62 experiment as a miniature tagged neutrino experiment. Then, ideas on how to implement a full scale tagged experiment will be presented in particular regarding the beam line design and the silicon pixel technology.