10–12 juin 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

DC2 bright stars masks

12 juin 2024, 15:00


172 Av. de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France


Nathan Amouroux


The presence of bright objects, notably stars, represents a significant challenge in extracting valuable insights from LSST data. Bright objects will cause the saturation of LSST’s sensors and will bias both object detection and flux measurement in a radius which depends on the magnitude. The creation of masks to cover the most affected regions by bright stars is necessary but challenging due to the difficulty in identifying and characterizing those objects. Our work is based on the HSC-SSP method and is applied to the DC2 object catalog. The resulting masks cover about two percent of the DC2 footprint. The impact of these masks is currently being studied in DESC in the context of galaxy cluster detection algorithms such as AMICO and redMaPPer.

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