28 février 2024 à 1 mars 2024
Campus de Luminy
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Due to increasing interest in both the theoretical and experimental community, we are organising a workshop on radiative leptonic B decays in Marseille the 28th February to 1st March 2024. This will be an opportunity to unite the LHCb, Belle-II and theoretical teams working on the subject. The programme will consist of theoretical and experimental talks and discussions on charged B+ to ɣν and ℓℓℓ'ν and neutral Bs to ɣℓℓ and ℓℓℓ''.

The workshop will be held at the amphitheatre of the Hexagon, the University library at the Luminy campus, starting at 2pm on the 28th February and finishing by midday on the 1st March. Lunch will be provided on the 29th and the same evening an informal workshop dinner will be organised at the restaurant Sepia. We will have a limited number of talks to leave sufficient room for discussion, so if you would like to give a talk please contact the organisers as soon as possible.

The organizers are grateful for the financial support from the University of Milan-Bicocca, the network GDR Intensity Frontier and the Institute of the physics of the Universe (IPhU).




Commence le
Finit le
Campus de Luminy
Hexagon Amphitheatre
Aller à la carte

Location of workshop and getting there from the centre of Marseille:

Location of the amphitheater on the Google maps: click here.

The workshop location is on the Luminy campus of Aix-Marseille University where the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) and the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), i.e. the local theory and experimental groups, are located. There is a direct bus to the campus from the centre of town, either bus B1 from the metro station Castellane (also passing by the station Rond Point du Prado) or bus 21JET from the metro station Rond Point du Prado, which take approximately 30-40 minutes and 20-30 minutes respectively, depending on traffic. We therefore advise booking hotels between Castellane and Rond Point du Prado. You should get off the bus at the bus stop "Luminy Faculté". 

Note that to get to Marseille city centre from the airport, the best thing to do is get the Navette Aeroport to the station (Gare St Charles,  ~25 mins) from which you can easily get the metro M2 to Rond Point du Prado.