Présidents de session
Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors
- Olivier LOPEZ (LPC Caen)
Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors
- Kris Hagel (Cyclotron Institute, Texas A & M University)
The road map for the INDRA & FAZIA collaborations will be presented in this talk, focusing on studies on nuclear symmetry energy and various observables to constraint it. New developements and perspectives will be discussed too.
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is at the forefront of research into the fundamental properties of nuclear matter, utilizing heavy ion collisions to explore the physics of rare isotopes and the nuclear equation of state. This talk will provide an overview of the heavy ion collision program at FRIB, highlighting its scientific program and key experimental initiatives including...
We want to review the findings from the 2016 SpiRIT experiment and provide an update on the experiment's status as of spring 2024. We will also introduce upcoming projects utilizing the SAMURAI magnet at RIBF. Additionally, we will showcase the planned upgrades to the RIBF facilities.
The construction of the RAON (Rare Isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line experiments) facility was launched in 2011 as the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP). The RAON was designed to produce a variety of stable and rare isotope beams to be used for basic science research and applications. The RAON consists of a heavy ion superconducting linear accelerator (SCL2) as the driver for the...
The only way to study the properties of asymmetric nuclear matter at high densities in the laboratory conditions is to investigate the relativistic heavy ion collisions. A complementary source of information are the astrophysical observations and gravitational waves. The degree of compression and pressures achieved during the heavy ion collision depend on the susceptibility of the nuclear...
A new radioactive-ion beam (RIB) accelerator facility, RAON, is under construction in Korea. It consists of two RIB production systems, namely, isotope separation online (ISOL) and in-flight fragmentation (IF) and will eventually combine them to provide more exotic ion beams closer to the neutron drip line.
The large acceptance multi-purpose spectrometer (LAMPS) is one of the experimental...