Présidents de session
Session 9: Exotic nuclei
- Jie Meng (Peking University, China)
The ab initio description of nuclei has seen major advances combining innovative many-body developments with nuclear forces and currents based on chiral effective field theory. This has led to ab initio calculations up to heavy nuclei, and highlighted the importance of uncertainty quantification as well as the development of accurate interactions for medium-mass to heavy nuclei. This talk will...
This presentation will explore the shell evolution across the neutron dripline by showing recent experimental results on the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei around N=20, utilizing the SAMURAI (large-acceptance multi-purpose spectrometer) at RIBF, RIKEN. The O-Ne dripline region represents the neutron-rich frontier, offering unique opportunities to study phenomena near and beyond the neutron...
The deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum (DRHBc) [1-2] considers the effects of axial deformation, pairing correlation and continuum in a self-consistent and microscopic way, and has been successfully applied in many studies on exotic nuclei. Recently, the DRHBc theory was extended to include the nuclear magnetism, i.e., the time-odd DRHBc (TODRHBc) [3], and to...
There have been tremendous efforts studying the possible effect of neutron-proton (np) pairing on various nuclear properties. Most studies have focused on its impact on the nuclear binding energy and spectroscopy. In this contribution, I will start by a simple systematics of alpha correlation energies and illustrate how alpha clustering is affected by the like-particle pairing. It has ben...
The recently observed abnormal bifurcation of the double binding energy differences $\delta V_{pn}$ between the odd-odd and even-even nuclei along the $N=Z$ line from Ni to Rb has challenged the nuclear theories. To solve this problem, a shell-model-like approach based on the relativistic density functional theory is established, by treating simultaneously the neutron-neutron, proton-neutron,...