7:00 PM
Cluster structures at the limits of the nuclear landscape
Gokul Arakkal
(Cochin University of Science and Technology, India)
7:03 PM
Nuclear Shape-Phase Transitions: Analytical Insights with a Sextic Oscillator Potential
Samira Baid
(Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
7:04 PM
Comparison of shape coexistence and Quantum Phase Transitions around A = 100 for even-even and odd-even cases
Esperanza Maya Barbecho
(Universidad de Huelva, Spain)
7:05 PM
Synthesis of superheavy elements using the dynamical cluster-decay model
Sahila Chopra
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany)
7:07 PM
New insights on origin and evolution of nuclear magicity far from stability
Louis Heitz
(IJCLab & CEA Paris-Saclay, France)
7:08 PM
Nuclear shape transitions of Th isotopes at fission limits: A Fourier shape parametrization Approach
Kaiprath Jyothish
(Cochin University of Science and Technology, India)
7:10 PM
Origin of the dispersion of experimental values on the average prompt neutron multiplicity as a function of the fragment mass in the reaction 235U(nth, f)
Modesto Montoya Zavaleta
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru)
7:11 PM
Nuclear pairing studies in Dysprosium nucleus
Parvathi V Nair
(Cochin University of Science and Technology, India)
7:12 PM
Potential energy surfaces of nuclei around 186Hg
Bozena Nerlo-Pomorska
(Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland)
7:13 PM
Nuclear structure study using a hybrid approach of shell model and Gogny-type density functionals
Kota Yoshinaga
(CCS, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
7:26 PM
Spectroscopy of 125Te : Shape changes and triaxiality
Atreyee Dey
(IIT Kharagpur, India)
7:27 PM
Signature inversion in A≈120 nuclei close to the proton drip-line
Praveen Muralidhar Jodidar
(IJCLab, Orsay, France)
7:30 PM
Background estimation for the double alpha experiment at the FRS Ion Catcher
Makar Simonov
(Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany)
7:32 PM
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of exotic 79Cu with HiCARI
Massyl Kaci
(IJCLab, Orsay, France)
7:33 PM
β-delayed γ-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich Ru Isotopes Below 132Sn
Jizhi Zhang
(Peking University, China)
7:34 PM
Exploring the isoscalar - isovector symmetries in 94Ru, 95Rh, 94Pd and 96Pd nuclei by means of lifetime measurement
Biswarup Das
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
7:35 PM
Investigation of shape coexistence in 172Pt via lifetime measurements
Casper-David Lakenbrink
(IKP, Köln, Germany)