The fission process of the excited $^{250}$Cf produced in reaction $^{238}$U on $^{12}$C at E$_{\rm lab}$= 1461 MeV in the GANIL [1,2] is described using the Langevin equation coupled to the Master equation for the neutron evaporation [3]. The 4D potential energy surface of the considered nucleus is evaluated within the macroscopic-microscopic approach using the so called Fourier-over-Spheroid shape parametrization [4]. The LSD formula [5] is used to evaluate the macroscopic part of the energy while the microscopic energy correction was obtained using the Yukawa-folded single-particle potential [6]. Pre-scission neutron emission, charge equilibration at scission, and de-excitation of the primary fragments after scission are evaluated within a Weisskopf-type theory [7]. A good agreement of our estimates on the fission fragment mass and TKE yield, neutron multiplicities with the existing data is obtained. The evaluated isotopic distributions of the fission fragments underestimate the measured yields for the neutron reach isotopes what gives an assumption to reconsidering the isospin dependence of the model parameters.
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