4–5 déc. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Toward the first public release of the NIKA2 data within the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program

5 déc. 2023, 14:20


98 bis boulevard Arago 75014 Paris


Corentin Hanser (UGA)


The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect offers a powerful probe of the large-scale structures up to high redshifts. SZ-based cosmology, however, requires a precise characterization of cosmological tools such as a mass-observable scaling relation and a mean electronic pressure profile. Systematic effects, in particular at high redshift, have an impact on these tools and are currently the main limitation of cluster-based cosmology.

NIKA2, a millimeter camera installed at the IRAM 30-m telescope is a major experiment to extend our understanding of galaxy clusters. Combining sub-arcminute (17.6’’ at 150 GHz) angular resolution and a 6.5’ field-of-view diameter, NIKA2 can resolve and map the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect towards clusters up to high redshifts. Combined with X-ray data from the XMM-Newton satellite, we can infer with high precision the thermodynamical properties and the hydrostatic masses of such objects within the NIKA2 SZ Large Program (LPSZ), which covers a representative sample of about 38 galaxy clusters at 0.5<z<0.9.

In this talk I will present the method selected for the public release preparation of the NIKA2 data, going from the Time-Ordered Data quality assessment in map-making to obtaining electronic pressure and mass profiles of individual clusters. Then, I will discuss a new method to combine all individual estimates while accounting for their intrinsic scatter, to infer the mean pressure profile of clusters.

Auteur principal

Corentin Hanser (UGA)

Documents de présentation