2–4 oct. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Réunion thématique du GDR ADN&G consacrée à la séparation de phase liquide-liquide (LLPS)

Pierre Bercier (Collège de France Paris) : Mechanisms of PML nuclear body formation and its therapeutic targeting by arsenic

Thierry Cheutin (IGH Montpellier) : PRC1 nano-structures compact Polycomb-associated chromatin during Drosophila embryogenesis

Marco Di Stefano (IGH Montpellier) : Unraveling the principles regulating chromosome spatial organization during differentiation

Fabian Erdel (CBI Toulouse) : Half-FRAP distinguishes different types of condensates in the nucleus

Stéphanie Hutin (LPCV Grenoble) : Order in the disordered-Molecular determinants of phase separation and its physiological role in plant sensing

Liliana Krasinska (IGM Montpellier) : The cell cycle as a phase separation cycle controlled by protein phosphorylation

Nathan Lecouvreur (IGM Montpellier) : The RD-HRS method : new insights on the relationship between phase separation, DNA and RNA

Loucif Remini (LCC Montpellier) : Chromatin structure from high resolution microscopy: scaling laws and micro-phase separation

Perrine Revoil (CBI Toulouse) : Auto-assemblage de condensats biologiques sur les centromères des chromosomes bactériens par LLPS

Hossein Salari (LBMC ENS de Lyon) : Transcription regulates the spatio-temporal dynamics of genes through micro-compartmentalization

Jean-Charles Walter (LCC Montpellier) : The bacterial DNA segregation complexes ParBS display a twofold phase separation


Conférence grand public

Maladies, comportements, QI... c'est dans notre ADN ?

Françoise Clerget: généticienne et mathématicienne, Directrice de Recherche émérite à l'INSERM

Marie-Catherine Mérat: journaliste scientifique

Jean-Marc Victor (LPTMC Paris): co-directeur du GDR ADN&G