Guest house (GANIL Caen)

Guest house


Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex

We are pleased to inform you that the next EMIR&A user’s meeting, EMIRUM, will take place at CIMAP-GANIL, Caen, France, December 14th and 15th, 2023. 

EMIRUM is traditionally organized every two years to give all platform users the opportunity to present their results, exchange ideas, review and discuss the research carried out thanks to the accelerator network. It is a convivial event to bring together the scientific community that uses ion and electron beams. The last EMIRUM was a videoconference organized by the LSI team in January 2021. This year, we are happy to be able to meet face-to-face. 

The topics which will be addressed during these days are: fundamental studies of defects, irradiation tuning of the properties, nanostructuration, liquid and interfaces, ion beam analysis, platform features and key technical developments

As EMIR&A users, you are invited to present your results obtained using the EMIR&A facilities, the abstracts have to be sent to emirum2023@ganil.fr, notifications will be given in November 2023. Invited talks, to be announced during the fall, will be also scheduled during the sessions.

EMIRUM 2023 will be organized around 8 sessions of 1h or up to 2h: 

  • a flash platform’s session with highlights
  • a user’s sessions
  •  a student’s session. On this occasion, a prize for the best student oral presentation will be awarded.
  • a technical session, in French, where staff members of the platforms will present innovation and or technical solutions (vacuum, cryogenics, electronics, control, etc).
  • Poster sessions will be organized during the coffee breaks and discussion times. 
  • A visit of the GANIL facility, the cyclotron area and the IRRSUD beamline will be organized on Thursday afternoon. 

On Thursday evening, the EMIRUM organization committee will invite all the participants to a dinner.

Registration is open from August 4, 2023 until December 1st, 2023.

  • Alicja Domaracka
  • Amine Cassimi
  • Anna Bychkova
  • Antoine Dartois
  • Antonin Bourgeteau
  • Antonino Alessi
  • Arthur Georgesco
  • Aurelie Gentils
  • Chloé Pénélaud
  • Cintia Aparecida Pires da Costa
  • Clara GRYGIEL
  • Cyril Bachelet
  • Cédric BAUMIER
  • Denis Jalabert
  • Emmanuel Balanzat
  • Emrick BRIAND
  • Estelle Meslin
  • Fanny Farget
  • Frédéric Foucher
  • Gianguido Baldinozzi
  • Henning Lebius
  • Hermann ROTHARD
  • Hicham KHODJA
  • Hoda AL ASSAAD
  • isabelle Monnet
  • Isabelle Ribaud
  • Isabelle TRIMAILLE
  • Jean-Charles THOMAS
  • Jean-Paul Crocombette
  • Jean-Philippe LARBRE
  • Julien Colaux
  • Leslie Juigne
  • Mamour Sall
  • Marie Sigallon
  • Marie-Claude Clochard
  • Marie-Céline Gauthier Danve
  • Martin Owusu-Mensah
  • Nadezhda Shchedrina
  • Nathalie Moncoffre
  • Nicolas Bererd
  • olivier wendling
  • paul sigot
  • Pierre desgardin
  • Quentin RAFFY
  • Radia Rahali
  • Salah Eddine NACERI
  • Serge Bouffard
  • Sergey DENISOV
  • Shamashis Sengupta
  • Sophie LE CAER
  • Sébastien Steydli
  • Tomasz Cichorek
  • Vincent Pacary
  • Xavier Deschanels
  • Yvan KILISKY
  • Yvette Ngono
  • Zhiwei Hu
  • +15
EMIRUM organization committee
    • Welcome Coffee Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • Opening: N. Moncoffre (EMIR&A director), F. Farget (GANIL direction), I. Monnet/J. Rangama (CIMAP direction), C. Grygiel (EMIRUM 2023 organization) Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • Platforms: Flash talks Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Nathalie Moncoffre (IP2I)
    • Coffee Break - posters Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • User's: Fundamental studies Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Michèle Raynaud (LSI)
      • 1
        Calculations of Primary Damage with Binary Collision Approximation : dpa calculations and Iradina code
        Orateur: Jean-Paul Crocombette (DES/ISAS/DRMP/S2CM/SRMP)
      • 2
        Decrease of the singly ionized zinc vacancies content under high energy electron irradiation in ZnGeP2
        Orateur: Charlotte Vernozy-Trouillet (LSI-ONERA)
      • 3
        Evolution of extended defects in UO2: synergetic effect of nuclear and electronic energy losses
        Orateur: Arthur Georgesco (CEA-SRMP)
      • 4
        GANIL-SPIRAL2 facilities: present and future
        Orateur: Jean-Charles Thomas (GANIL)
    • Lunch at GANIL restaurant - posters Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • User's: IBA / Microstructure Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Julien Colaux (LARN- UNamur)
      • 5
        Combining Ion Beam Analysis and Artificial Intelligence: a route to high throughput material screening
        Orateur: Hicham Khodja (NIMBE/LEEL)
      • 6
        Influence of flux on loop nature in nickel during ion irradiation
        Orateur: Lisa Lefort (CEA-SRMP)
      • 7
        Revealing the role of oxygen on the microstructure of electron-irradiated tungsten: A combined experimental and simulation study
        Orateur: Zhiwei Hu (CEMHTI)
      • 8
        Influence of the microstructure of additively manufactured Ni20Cr microstructure on aging under irradiation
        Orateur: Alexis Dujarrier (CIMAP)
      • 9
        Clarifying phase instabilities induced by irradiation in a FCC-based FeNiCrMn HEA
        Orateur: Antoine Dartois (CEA-SRMP)
    • GANIL visit or discussion Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Yvette Ngono (CIMAP)
    • Coffee Break - posters Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • User's: Nanostructuration / Radiolysis Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Denis Jalabert (DRF/IRIG/MEM/LEMMA)
      • 10
        Ionisation of a single nanoparticle by heavy Cosmic Rays with the NanoCR experiment
        Orateur: Thibault Nguyen Trung (IJCLab)
      • 11
        Effect of swift ion irradiation on pyrene
        Orateur: Anna Bychkova (CIMAP)
      • 12
        PVDF nanostructuration, piezocomposites synthesis and modeling piezoelectric behaviors
        Orateur: Marie Sigallon (LSI)
      • 13
        Development of high sensitivity polymer for MEMS gamma rays sensors
        Orateur: Ons Yahyaoui (CIMAP)
    • EMIR&A scientific committee summary Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      • 14
        EMIR&A scientific committee summary
    • Dinner at the Carlotta's restaurant Restaurant Le Carlotta

      Restaurant Le Carlotta

      Dinner provided by EMIRUM 16 quai Vandeuvre, 14000 Caen https://www.lecarlotta.com/
  • vendredi 15 décembre
    • Platforms: Technical session Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Marie-France Barthe (CEMHTI)
      • 15
        Plateforme CIRIL-GANIL
        Orateur: Frédéric Ropars (CIMAP)
      • 16
        Le Réseau des Accélérateurs Scientifique et Technique des Accélérateurs
        Orateur: Emrick Briand (INSP)
      • 17
        Le site web EMIR&A, un outil évolutif pour ses utilisateurs
        Orateur: Cédric Baumier (IJCLab)
    • User's: IBA / Properties modifications Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Shamashis Sengupta (IJCLab)
      • 18
        Laboratory of Analysis by Nuclear Reactions (LARN): past, present and future activities
        Orateur: Julien Colaux (LARN- UNamur)
      • 19
        Collapse of mesoporous silicas induced by radiation damage – Comparison of external and internal irradiation
        Orateur: Xavier Deschanels (ICSM Marcoule)
      • 20
        Electron irradiation effects on the activation energy distribution in densified silica
        Orateur: Nadezhda Shchedrina (ICMMO - LSI)
    • Coffee Break - posters Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • User's: Radiolysis Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Krzystof Bobrowski (INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY)
      • 21
        Molecular study of the radiolysis of concentrated proteins by accelerated ions
        Orateur: Quentin Raffy (IPHC - CNRS)
      • 22
        Tribocorrosion under extreme conditions: radiolysis effects at the steel-316L/aqueous solution interface
        Orateur: Nicolas Bérerd (IP2I)
      • 23
        Biosignatures alteration under proton irradiation studied in situ by Raman spectroscopy: relevance for the search for life on Mars
        Orateur: Frédéric Foucher (CEMHTI)
      • 24
        Fundamental understanding of concentrated aqueous electrolytes for batteries by radiolysis
        Orateur: Sophie Le Caër (NIMBE)
      • 25
        Amorphous and crystalline pyridine ices irradiated by MeV ions
        Orateur: Cintia Aparecida Pires da Costa (CIMAP)
    • Lunch at GANIL restaurant - posters Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
    • User's: Fundamental studies Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Serge Bouffard (CIMAP)
      • 26
        Radiation response in fluorite-related systems with dual spatial length-scales
        Orateur: Gianguido Baldinozzi (SPMS)
      • 27
        Experimental study of microstructure evolution under irradiation of zirconium alloys. Towards a better understanding of irradiation induced growth
        Orateur: Amélie Souksavat (SRMA/LA2M)
      • 28
        Two-band superconductivity in electron-irradiated CeCu2Si2 and PrOs4Sb12 studied by local magnetization measurements
        Orateur: Tomasz Cichorek (Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of Polish Academy of Sciences)
    • Final discussions and closing Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex
      Président de session: Nathalie Moncoffre (IP2I)
    • Coffee Break and leaving Guest house

      Guest house

      GANIL Caen

      Boulevard Henri Becquerel 14076 Caen cedex