This workshop treats coherence and incoherence in diffractive and hadronic collisions at different type of collisions and energy scales.
In particular, we would like to discuss recent experimental progress and theoretical considerations concerning:
- Coherent vector meson production in hadronic collisions
- The relation between coherence/incoherence and exclusive/dissociative in photon(*)-proton and photon(*)-nucleus interactions and what they can tell us about hadron structure
- The applicability of the good-walker formalism that relates coherence/incoherence with averages and fluctuations.
We profit in this context from the local expertise on:
- The experimental LHC programme on ultra-peripheral and peripheral collisions
- The experimental JLAB programme with proton and nuclear targets
- The theoretical expertise on exclusive physics with perturbative QCD and related topics.
This activity is transversal to the LHC and JLAB programme and is closely related to future measurements at the LHC and at the EIC.
L'inscription à cet événement est actuellement ouverte.