Christian Tacke (CT), Jutta Schnabel (JS), Kay Graf (KG), Matthias Füßling (MF), Mark Kettenis (MK)
Agenda Items:
- Transition to
- all issues migrated
- pipeline updated
- pages need a rework - KG to change the PURL and also the links webpage
- ESCAPE Open Collaboration Meeting
- presentation of OSSR
- question of MoU or LoU
- Update the documentation pages before the meeting
- ESCAPE Publication
- OSSR collaborations
- RSD - should continue, KG sends paper with relevant section; next meeting with JM (pull or push); second meeting on codemeta representation of the RSD metadata (cross-walk) - CT will prepare and join CodeMeta collaboration
- Punch4NFDI - MoU with ESCAPE under discussion: (aggregator)
- OSSR as additional data source not as a repository to store developments/software
- Status of onboarding and curation
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