29–31 août 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris



The 2023 SAMURAI Collaboration Workshop and Meeting will be held as an in person event hosted by LPC-Caen (Caen, France) from 29 - 31 August.


The workshop and collaboration meeting will run across the full three days (Tuesday - Thursday)

We recommend that you arrange to arrive in Caen on the Monday - travel from

Charles de Gaulle or Orly airports to Caen by public transport takes a minimum of 4 hours.  


As in previous years, the workshop will consist of presentations and discussions related to all aspects of SAMURAI based experiments, including in particular:


New proposals, letters of intent or ideas for experiments.


*  R&D towards new detectors.


*  Status reports on new and existing detectors.


*  Reports on the analysis of experiments and the results.


Preparations for upcoming experiments, tests or commissioning runs.


There will also be discussions on the collaboration's strategy for beam time in 2024-25.


Potential speakers are requested to contact the workshop organiser as soon as possible (and no later than the 21 July )  - orr@lpccaen.in2p3.fr


The proponents of new proposals or re-submissions are expected to attend the workshop and present them to the collaboration.   The proponents are also requested to provide well in advance a brief written outline of the proposal - forms available from the SAMURAI Collaboration Steering Committee chair Prof Takashi Nakamura - nakamura@ap.titech.ac.jp



Commence le
Finit le
Salle Gilles Iltis (1st floor)
LPC-ENSICAEN, Boulevard Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen cedex
Aller à la carte
L'inscription à cet événement est actuellement ouverte.